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[店铺经营] 谈法人的概念-- 职位、职务、职权







发表于 2010-1-22 19:26:06 |显示全部楼层
美容院主管的培训若能从设计师做培训是最有效率,且速度最快的一个途径,但在设计师刚接任主管过程常又会造成同仁在管理上的不适应,不是员工苦不堪言就是主管遍体遴伤,会造成类似的困扰,大都是因为美容院不了解职位、职务、职权的定义所产生,再加上红牌设计师接任主管,心态仍停留在设计师心态,不了解当被授权担任主管职位时,在角色上应执行主管职务来帮助员工,却仍习惯用红牌的技术与业绩来涵盖或控制,造成冲突与对立,再加上美容院普遍对职务内容划分不清楚,不知道什么该做什么不该做,无所适从的程度是可想而知的! !



      每个自然人的职位是经过公司(法人)的授权,包括老板也是公司授权的职位,每个职务的成败应由主管承担,当然老板的成败是由公司承担,老板失败公司就倒了!相对的每个人应认同的是这个职位,而不是担任这个职位的人(自然人),若不认同这个职位,则表示不认同公司,没有法人的观念。但美容院的互动常是以是否接受这个人再考虑要不要认同这个职位,比如说先看喜不喜欢这个人,再来考虑要不要听他的,这样的观念是个体户自然人的观念。开公司(法人)用自然人的观念,当然容易造成矛盾与误解! !

      组织的存在是?了服务顾客、满足顾客而存在,所有的职务都是用不同的角色来服务顾客,满足顾客,比如说主管是扮演整合、调配更好的机制、来服务顾客满足顾客的角色。设计师是扮演利用专业的技能来服务顾客满足顾客的角色,助理是扮演辅助设计师以满足顾客的角色,每个人都各司其职,?服务顾客而努力,就不会执着于人际的喜好与情绪,组织自然和谐,守本分,知进退! !

      职权是组织赋予职务的赏罚权。赏罚权是公司应颁布的规定,也就是组织内的游戏规则,主管只是依公司规定赋予的赏罚权做裁量,公司无法要求员工喜欢主管,因公司授权主管职位是提供学习主管角色的舞台,形象与权力应是主管自己创造,非公司能授予的,只要主管能善尽自己的职务,公正的执行公司授权时同时赋予的赏罚权,管理的权力自然产生,同仁自然会对这个职务的角色心服口服,产生对这个职位的尊重! !
      比如说员工应配合清洁组长的清洁职务分配,但公司不应该要求员工认同清洁组长这个人,只要清洁组长善尽清洁组长的职务,又能体谅同仁的辛苦,在赏罚上又很公正,不会因个人情绪好坏,标准不同,也不会因为对同事喜好不同,赏罚标准不同,自然会得到大家的尊重,管理的权力自然产生! !主管常将职务与职权混淆不清,职务是责任与义务,职权是赏罚的裁量权
Beauty salons in charge of the training if training is the most efficient from the designer to do, and the fastest one way, but the designer has just assumed office in charge of the process will often result in adjusting to colleagues in the management, not workers miserable Bian Ti Lin is in charge of injury, would cause similar trouble, mostly because the beauty salons do not understand the position, duties, powers generated by the definition, along with a red card designer took charge, his attitude is still at the design mentality, do not know when is authorized to executive positions, the roles should be executive director of the office to help employees still used the technology and performance with a red card to cover or control, resulting in conflict and confrontation, plus beauty salons are generally divided into clear job content, do not know what to do should be done at the extent of loss can be imagined! !
                          The significance of job

      Company is a legal person units, should have legal concept. Jobs after the company authorized the organization of orientation exercise of their functions, such as managers, directors, team leader, designer, assistant, to let colleagues down in the organization know about who, as a shop to promote more smoothly with the advance and retreat of the basis for
Such as corporate organization chart:


      Each post is the result of natural persons, Inc. (legal) authority, including the owner of the company's authorized positions, each position should be in charge of the success or failure, of course, the boss's success is borne by the company, the boss failed company collapsed! The relative identity of every individual in this position, rather than for the post of the person (natural person), if not agree with this post said they did not agree with the company, there is no legal concept. But the beauty of interaction often based on whether to accept that people will re-consider whether they should agree with this position, for example, look like it or not this person, again consider whether they should listen to him, so that idea is the concept of self-employed individuals. To start a company (legal) with the concept of a natural person, of course, likely to cause conflicts and misunderstandings! !
                          The significance of job

Of each job in the organization obligations and responsibilities of everyone in the organization have a job, such as: the boss, supervisor, team leader, employees, not who will listen to whom, but a good job responsibilities according to job classification, the perform their own post to confirm what to do and what not to do (not in its place, did not do their job), fulfill their responsibility? organization is responsible for!
      Organization's existence? Of customer service and customer satisfaction exists, all the positions are different roles to serve customers, satisfy customers, for example, playing in charge of integration, deployment and better mechanisms to the role of customer service to satisfy customers . Designers are playing with professional customer service skills to meet the customer's role is to play a supplementary assistant designer to meet the customer's role, everyone carry out their duties,? Customer service efforts, they will not persistent in the interpersonal preferences and emotion, organization of natural harmony, and keep our part, know when to stop! !
                        The meaning of terms of reference

      Mandate is to position the organization to give the right reward and punishment. The right rewards and punishments shall enact the provisions of the company, that is, rules of the game within the organization in charge of the company only in accordance with the provisions of rewards and punishments given the right to make discretionary, companies can not require employees like executives, executive positions authorized by the company in charge of the role is to provide the learning stage, the image of and power should be in charge of their own creation, non-company can grant, so long as competent to fulfill their duties, and just executing the Company's license at the same time rewards and punishments given the right to manage the power of naturally occurring, and your colleagues will naturally have convinced the role of this post oral, give rise to this position of respect! !
      For example, cleaning staff should be compatible with cleaning duties, head of distribution, but the company should not require employees to agree that cleaning head of this person, as long as the cleaning head of the cleaning head fulfill the duties of colleagues can appreciate the hard work, reward and punishment system on too well fair, good or bad is not due to personal feelings, different standards, it would not because my colleagues of different preferences, rewards and punishments different standards will naturally get everyone's respect for the power management of naturally occurring! ! Often in charge of the confusion of duties and powers, duties and obligations is the responsibility, authority is the discretion of rewards and punishments
      Organization's operations and shop all rely on the promotion positions, duties, and powers, these three should be fit, position is the position in the organization or the title, not in its place did not do their governance, we can know the advance and retreat, job is to play in the organization The role should be responsible for the work, competence that is generated because of his discretion. If understanding of positions, duties, and powers of the definition and connotation of the concept of legal person is qualified for, and slowly everyone, from the owner down to the staff, all with the environment can see themselves in the organization the power to do anything to achieve customer satisfaction The purpose of this organization that have the vitality. Rather than remain stuck in the role of natural persons, to self-centered and just want to enjoy power, not fulfilling their obligations, resulting in the organization of conflict and confrontation!






发表于 2010-1-22 19:27:01 |显示全部楼层

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